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im not sure i want to keep living

Visit someone who can really help you get past this feeling. Your friends may not be able to, however much they are willing to do so.

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Q: How do you tell your friends that you have been thinking about suicide?
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How can you help an 18-year-old that wants to commit suicide?

The best thing you can do for someone who is thinking of committing suicide is to be there for them. Listen to everything they have to tell you, and let them know that you are able and willing to help.If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, see the Related Questions below for ways to get help. There are trained, qualified counselors who are willing to listen and help you.

What should you do with someone contemplating suicide and how do you know?

If someone is contemplating suicide, it's crucial to take them seriously and offer immediate support. Encourage them to express their feelings and listen actively without judgment. Connect them with professional help like a therapist or a helpline, and involve their close friends or family members who can provide additional support. Signs that someone may be contemplating suicide can include talking about death or suicide, expressing hopelessness or feeling trapped, withdrawing from activities, giving away possessions, or sudden calmness after a period of depression.

Is suicide with a gun painful?

No one has ever lived to tell.

How can you tell if someone committed suicide or just an overdose?

It is sometimes hard to tell. Was there a note? Were there any witnesses?

How do you avoid suicide?

By first understanding the warning signs and receiving help as soon as possible. When you first realize you are thinking about committing suicide, tell somebody, get some help. You can call a suicide hotline for help or a crisis center in your area. If you are in school or a large workplace, talk to a counselor or psychologist. Or you can seek professional help.Suicide is not the answer, it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You are not alone in this world and if you need help, there are not only people who can help you but people who want to help you.

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Tell them what you are thinking and talk about it.

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just tell them its OK

What is the effect on others when someone commits suicide?

It can cause talk throughout the community about how stupid the decision was, or it might provoke others. You can never tell what a person's thinking.

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All you have to do is tell him you feel down and you want someone to hug, but your friends are gone(by the way you should ditch your friends). Or you tell him you want a hug.

Did romeo tell Friar Laurence that he will commit suicide?

No, he only did so after he thought Juliet had been killed.

How can you tell that your boyfriend has been thinking about you?

ask him but dont appear to be clingy or desperate

I like this girl and she and I have been friends for a good amount of time I really want to tell her how I feel and I was thinking of telling her in a note Is that a good idea?

I would tell her in person because nothing in writing is ever good. The note can get passed around and that wouldn't be good.

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You talk to her privately and casually tell her.

How can you help an 18-year-old that wants to commit suicide?

The best thing you can do for someone who is thinking of committing suicide is to be there for them. Listen to everything they have to tell you, and let them know that you are able and willing to help.If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, see the Related Questions below for ways to get help. There are trained, qualified counselors who are willing to listen and help you.

How do you tell him how much you miss him?

Just do it! Showing him you've been thinking about him is sure to make him happy!

How do you convince your friends your a mermaid?

You tell them that you have been born by a mermaid but you were born with no fins. Tell them your parents were asked to raise you.

How do you get other aware of no to suicide?

You must tell them that life is to short and, only cowards commit suicide even if it takes courage to commit suicide.