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'un emploi du temps' is the translation for a time table in French.

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Q: How do you spell time table in french?
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How do you spell my time table in french?

mon emploi du temps

How do you spell table in french?

une table (fem.)

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le bout de table

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la table de dix

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sur la verre est sur la table -- the glass is on the table

What does table mean in french?

The word "table" in French means "table" in English.

How do you spell time in french?

"Time" in French is spelled "temps."

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"Réservation" when you ask for the restaurant to have a table in your name."réserve" for the Indian reservation

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une table de chevet, also called 'un chevet', or 'une table de nuit'.

How do you write timetale in french?

a time table is 'un emploi du temps' in French.

What Is A table Called In French?

A table is called "une table" in French.

How do you spell the time 815 in french?

huit heures et quart