You cannot spell Lillian with Roman Numerals because there are no numerals that could be used to make an "A". The Roman Numerals are: I, V, X, L, C, D, M.
11 is XI in Roman numerals.
Louis 15th in Roman numerals is spelled as "XV".
Ww i, wwii
The year 2015 is MMXV
You cannot spell Lillian with Roman Numerals because there are no numerals that could be used to make an "A". The Roman Numerals are: I, V, X, L, C, D, M.
In Roman numerals 13 is XIII.
11 is XI in Roman numerals.
The number 30 is XXX in Roman numerals, as each X equals 10.
Louis 15th in Roman numerals is spelled as "XV".
Ww i, wwii
The year 2015 is MMXV
Rome is not traditionally spelled out using Roman numerals. Roman numerals are used to represent numbers in ancient Rome, not for spelling out words.
There are no Roman numerals which are represented by the letters Y, E or S.
Trick question... Roman numerals do not include S or W.
How about VI = 6 in Roman numerals