A pencil sharpener is un taille-crayon in French.
Depending on the size of it id say either a 15cm ruler or a 30cm ruler.
dans ma trousse il y a deux crayons et une règle
Metric ruler
ruler in french is regle
The word for "pencil" in French is "le crayon".
A pencil sharpener is un taille-crayon in French.
a ruler (of the country) = un gouvernant, un dirigeant (in a pencil case) = une règle
You would say "J'ai ton crayon" in French to mean "I have your pencil."
Depending on the size of it id say either a 15cm ruler or a 30cm ruler.
Depending on the size of it id say either a 15cm ruler or a 30cm ruler.
In french, it's "une trousse".
la règle (fem.) is either the ruler (in your pencil case) or the rule (law or obligation) in French.
c'est un crayon