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I think the magic word here is Analemma and you'll find a wikipedia article of good quality.

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Q: How do you make a Loop Sundial and use its equations?
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You apply the rule to each loop in the circuit individually, and each loop produces a separate equation. You solve the collection of equations for the individual loop currents.

What did George Washington use to tell the time?

He used a portable sundial.

Is it possible to use a for loop in place of a while loop?

Yes. while loop consist of only condition statement to make for loop look as while loop we can use syntax shown below: for(;condition;) eg: for(;i<=n;)

Why is a sundial not a reliable way of telling the time?

A sundial relies on the position of the sun to cast a shadow, meaning it only works during daylight hours. It is also affected by factors such as the season, latitude, and obstacles blocking sunlight, making it less accurate than a clock.

Where do you use formulating equations in life?

well, if you know all the formulating equations it will make you better at regular equations and regular equations can be used in everyday life

HOW TO USE sundial?

To use a sundial, place it on a flat surface with the gnomon (the piece that creates the shadow) pointing towards the North Pole. The gnomon will cast a shadow that moves as the sun changes position throughout the day, indicating the time based on where the shadow falls on the sundial's markings. Remember to adjust for daylight saving time and your location's longitude to get an accurate reading.

Would your sundial read the same time as another sundial 100 miles directly north of you?

yes, as long as its on the same line of longitude you can use the same sundial

How can we use shadow to tell the time?

You can use a sundial, which is a device that uses the position of the sun's shadow to tell time. By placing a stick or pointer on the sundial, the shadow it casts can indicate the time based on markings on the sundial's face.

Does a sundial work?

if u know how to use it

How do you find solar time?

You use a Sundial.

Does a meteorologist use a sundial?

No...we use clocks like the rest of the world.

For loop -uses?

You can use a for loop whenever you can use a while loop; it's the same.