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Q: How do you make a 8 year old in yaer 3 clever?
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if it was really clever maybe?

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Nope, that's illegal

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ask him guessing never turns out well

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i go out with dappy and i am 11 yaer old ilove dappy and n-dubz

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probably not cause they are really big birdds and if they got out of their cage the might hurt the eleven year old if the eleven year old opened the cage so no a budgie is not a really good pet fo r a eleven yaer old i would probably recomind a rabbit or a hamster something small for a eleven year old cause it would be a smaller pet for the elevn year old

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EZ Spin is a 16 year old rapper from the San Antonio area, who is known for his clever lyrics.

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No way, they're very clever! They know as much as a nine year old which is quite good for dog standards.

If your 11 year old daughter has an IQ of 72 this is not age appropriate?

no it should be a bit higher maybe 80 - 100 is she is clever