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Do you mean Professional Curricula Vitae?

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What are the common patterns of consonants vowel order in a word?

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What are the letter notes for Hedwig's Theme on keyboard?

This is what my piano teacher taught me :D This means the note is going up: ^ This means the note is going down: v Sharp : # Flat : b B ^ E ^ G v F# v E ^ B v A v F# E ^ G v F# v D ^ F v B B ^ E ^ G v F# v E ^ B ^ D v C# v C A ^ C v B v Bb v B ^ G v E G ^ B v G ^ B G ^ C v B v Bb v F# ^ G ^ B v Bb v C v B ^ B G ^ B v G ^ B G ^ D v C# v C v A ^ C v B v Bb v B ^ G v E Hope this has helped :D

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C. V. Durell died in 1968.

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V. C. Sreejan was born in 1951.

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A. V. C. College was created in 1955.

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