

How do you count sheep?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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yo mama!! =) jk you got 1 for every 4 legs you see!

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Q: How do you count sheep?
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they count sheep

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count sheep

Do bears eat sheep's?

yes but they count them firstIf they can get their paws on them, they would happily eat sheep.

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How do you sleep when you can't?

count sheep and tickle urself

What tips can you say to help get asleep?

count sheep

Why do people count sheep?

Counting sheep is a common technique used to help calm the mind and promote relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep. The act of focusing on counting each sheep can distract from other racing thoughts or worries that may be keeping someone awake. It's a simple and repetitive task that can help induce a state of relaxation conducive to falling asleep.

What can you do in the evening in London while waiting for a bus?

Count sheep!

How do you count a large flock of sheep?

by colour coding them and solve them in tens

How can I get to sleep faster?

Imagine sheep and count them jumping over a fence.

Were black sheep ever used as 'markers' to count a large flock of sheep?

Yes, So the farmer who owned the field could count them Quickly, One Black shhep was placed per Hundred regulars,

How many sheep eat pie?

I would say about 6 if you count the offsprings!!