The word "helmet" has two syllables. The syllable break-down is "hel" and "met."
5 syllables. Its syllable break-down looks like this: [ ih-maj-uh-ney-shuh'n ]
Vege-ta-bles. An easy way to count syllables is to count the number of times your jaw goes down while you are saying a word.
There are two syllables like so: on-to.
A/me/ri/can - 4 syllables
gen-er-a-tion. 4 syllables.
Lounge can't be broken down or divided into syllables as it only has one syllable.
There are four syllables like so: par-tic-i-pate.
There are two syllables: O-bese.
un der neath
There are two syllables: Deft-ly.
There are two syllables: Jad-ed.
There are five syllables like so: Res-pi-ra-to-ry.