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Q: How do the numbers on the pH scale relate to exponents?
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What numbers on pH scale represents neutral?

Neutrality is a pH=7,00.

How many numbers are on the pH scale?


What are Acids numbers?

On the pH scale, acids have a pH of less than 7.

What numbers on the pH scale represent acids?

Numbers below 7 on the pH scale represent acids, with lower numbers indicating stronger acidity. A pH of 0 is the most acidic on the scale.

What number on the pH scale are basic?

The numbers 7.1 through 14 are the basic numbers.

What is the scale that measures how the acidic or basic something is?

The scale that measures how acidic or basic something is called the pH scale. It ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, lower numbers indicating acidity, and higher numbers indicating alkalinity.

Because the pH scale is an inverse log of the hydrogen ion concentration what numbers from the pH scale would be more basic?

pH above 7 till 14 is basic. pH of 14 is most basic

Using the pH scale what numbers indicate an acid What numbers indicate a base?

pH numbers below 7 indicate an acid, with lower numbers indicating stronger acids. pH numbers above 7 indicate a base, with higher numbers indicating stronger bases.

Is strong acid on the pH scale is 3?

Yes, a strong acid on the pH scale with a pH of 3 is considered highly acidic. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with lower numbers indicating stronger acidity. Strong acids have pH values closer to 0.

Series of numbers that indicates the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution?

pH scale

How do you write the pH scale in numbers?

Example: 1, 2,3,.......7,8,9,.........14.

What numbers represents the base on the pH scale?

Anything above 7 is basic.