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Find someone like a good friend that will care for you and will be there for you. You are not the only one trying to get it out of your head. You are not alone. You are loved. If you need anything email loving folks who will listen. Many are going through the same thing and have those thoughts.

Something to try is meditation. When the thoughts come, just choose to focus on nothing at all. If that doesn't work, then choose a word or idea and just focus on that. Say that one word over and over if you need to. Keep yourself distracted that way until the strong emotions pass or you fall asleep.

Make sure you are eating well. Force yourself to eat if you must. You need the protein and even a certain amount of saturated fats in order to make the neurotransmitters you need. Start taking B complex if you are not already. You may want to try St. John's wort and/or SAMe. These are natural supplements which some claim helps depression. Surround yourself with loving, positive people and make yourself do the things you used to enjoy. Get into the habit of going on a walk each day. Try to get plenty of rest. If you cannot sleep, then exercise until you are exhausted or try meditation. When in the middle of a crisis, tell yourself that you will be alright and that it will pass.

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Q: How do i stop my suicidal thoughts and actions?
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How do you know if your thoughts are suicidal?

If your thoughts are of how to kill yourself, wanting to kill yourself, and/or thinking it would be better if you were not alive then your thoughts are suicidal.

Are suicidal thoughts normal?

No. They interfere with your mental health. But while these thoughts may not be normal, you aren't the only person dealing with suicidal thoughts. There are thousands who have felt the same way you do. You are not abnormal or an outcast just because of suicidal thoughts. Please check the related questions and links.

How can you stop having suicidal thoughts?

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it is crucial to seek help from a mental health professional immediately. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or helpline for support. It's important to remember that you don't have to face these thoughts alone and that there are people who care about you and want to help.

What should you do about suicidal thoughts?

If your suffering with suicidal thoughts you do not want to keep it to yourself. Reach out and talk to someone. If there is not anyone you feel comfortable speaking to in your life or community, you can call the nationwide hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a weak, and talk things over with someone who knows what you are going through. The number is 1-800-273-8255.

Are suicidal teens crazy?

No, suicidal teens are not necessarily "crazy." Many factors can contribute to suicidal thoughts or behaviors, such as mental health issues, trauma, or extreme stress. It is important to approach these situations with empathy and understanding, and to seek professional help for the teen.

Related questions

How do you know if your thoughts are suicidal?

If your thoughts are of how to kill yourself, wanting to kill yourself, and/or thinking it would be better if you were not alive then your thoughts are suicidal.

Are suicidal thoughts normal?

No. They interfere with your mental health. But while these thoughts may not be normal, you aren't the only person dealing with suicidal thoughts. There are thousands who have felt the same way you do. You are not abnormal or an outcast just because of suicidal thoughts. Please check the related questions and links.

Why does god allow emotions to play a part in life to cause thoughts and actions of suicidal moments?

Because God wants you to find him in those times. He doesn't want you to think of suicide. You control your thoughts and actions, not God. He knows what you are going to think and do, but doesn't control them.

How can you stop having suicidal thoughts?

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it is crucial to seek help from a mental health professional immediately. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or helpline for support. It's important to remember that you don't have to face these thoughts alone and that there are people who care about you and want to help.

Is it okay that you wouldn't mind dying?

This path of thinking can result in suicidal thoughts. If you never have thoughts of killing yourself and you believe your life has value and meaning then I don't see where you not minding death is a problem. If you do start thinking suicidal thoughts, don't be afraid to speak out and get help. You won't be the first to have suicidal thoughts and you won't be the last.

What does it mean to have suicidal tendencies?

Having suicidal tendencies means experiencing thoughts or feelings of wanting to end one's own life. These thoughts can range from fleeting ideation to more persistent feelings of hopelessness and a desire to commit suicide. It's important to seek help from a mental health professional if you are experiencing suicidal tendencies.

How can you get out of going into the Navy?

The Easiest way to get out of the Navy is suicidal thoughts i repeat thoughts not actions, the navy doesnt want blood on their hands Ive seen it a couple times, people get out within a couple of months within enlisting You can get out of going into the navy by not enlisting.

What causes suicidal thoughts?

Depression, rejection, sorrow/sadness, despair

What actions do our thoughts lead us to take, as reflected in the quote "Thoughts lead to actions"?

The quote "Thoughts lead to actions" suggests that our thoughts influence the actions we take. This means that the things we think about often guide our behavior and decisions.

What are signs of hidden anger?

Heavy breathing, shaking/trembling, occasional smart-alek responses, homicidal thoughts, suicidal thoughts, genocidal thoughts, etc., etc.

How do you stop suicidal thoughts?

Think of all the good things that ever happened in your life and who would miss you. Then worry about the police. Be wise. Think positive. Please refer to related questions below.

What do I do when I feel suicidal again but my counseling is ending in 2 months I don't want to disappoint my mom?

It depends on if it is just suicidal thoughts or suicidal plans. I have lived with near daily suicidal thoughts since the 1970s when I was in high school. I had no counseling and was too paranoid to even seek it until 1996 (following an involuntary psychiatric hospitalization and diagnosis with bipolar disorder). No medication or therapy has ever helped stop these thoughts, I just use skills I developed by myself in the 1970s and 1980s to distract myself from the thoughts and ignore them. If you have a workable suicide plan, go to the Emergency Room and tell them that you do and that you are frightened. There is no requirement that you reveal any details of the plan. Good luck, I know this is hard to live with but it is possible to live with it. I know because I have lived most of my life with it.