12 = XII in Roman numerals
20 is Arabic Numerals XX is Roman Numerals.
The Roman numerals are XLV.
It is: 120 = CXX in Roman numerals
Oh honey, xxxvii in Roman numerals represents the number 37. It's as simple as that. Roman numerals may look fancy, but they ain't fooling anyone with their theatrics.
12 = XII in Roman numerals
20 is Arabic Numerals XX is Roman Numerals.
The Roman numerals are XLV.
It is: 120 = CXX in Roman numerals
300 would be represented by 'CCC' in roman numerals.
18 in roman numerals looks like XVIII
Oh honey, xxxvii in Roman numerals represents the number 37. It's as simple as that. Roman numerals may look fancy, but they ain't fooling anyone with their theatrics.