August is the 8th month.
August is the 8th month of a year of the Gregorian calendar.
Both July and August have 31 days. In the original Julian calendar, the month we now know as August only had 30 days but when they changed the name to August to honor Caesar Augustus, he wanted his month to have the same number as Julius Caesar had in his month (July) so they took one day from February and added it to August.
The eighth month of the year is August.
there are 31 days in the month of august
The month august got its name from the great roman emperor Cesar Augustus.
The name of the month of August came from the Roman emperor Augustus.
August is the name of the month. Its origin is Great Emperor Augustus.
Prior to being renamed August, the month was known as Sextilis in the Roman calendar. It was the sixth month of the year in the Roman calendar, which only had ten months originally. The name "August" was chosen in honor of the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar.
There are two meaning of August in Polish:Male name of August is August.Eight month of the year is "Sierpień".
The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.
Août is the french name of August month
The month after August is September.
August 15th is a month and the month is August