What is rise of scheduled caste?
SC in 2010 is progressive and moving ahead very fast. SCs are
now working as successful engineers, architects, doctors, army
officers, entrepreneurs etc. With reservation in place more and
more number of SCs is well educated now. They are not doing age old
lower cadre work now. Further they are now working as scientists in
India's most prestigious research organizations like DRDO, ISRO,
and BARC.
In states like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Tamil Nadu they have
become quite prosperous. Huge population of SC converted Sikhs have
migrated to UK, Canada after independence from Punjab and Haryana.
These NRI are now helping there SCs relatives in India to progress
fast. In UP SCs have revolutionized the politics and have come to
the top in state assembly polls.
Scheduled Caste in Education
With Reservation in India the Constitution laid down 15% of
vacancies of government aided educational institutes and jobs in
the government as well as public sector to people
Belonging to scheduled caste. This has helped them a lot to come
at par with other community who were already privileged. Post
independence there was huge difference between
People of scheduled caste and the people of upper caste.
Reservation gave them initial lift to come at par with upper caste.
Now one can easily find huge number of well educated Scheduled
Caste people in all corners of the country.
Scheduled Caste in Politics
Scheduled Castes are slowly and gradually climbing to the top of
ladder in national politics. The best example to this is state of
Uttar Pradesh. It is biggest state of India in terms of electorate.
UP has population of almost 190 million people. Bahujan Samaj Party
which is backed by SC vote bank is running the state assembly of
UP. In UP SCs have revolutionized the politics and have come to the
Scheduled Caste in Jobs
On the Jobs front SCs in 2010 are doing equally well as that of
people from Upper Caste. They are now not engaged in low cadre
work. Further to support this fact I would like to say that there
progress can be easily justified with the fact that they are now
working as scientists in India's most prestigious research
organizations like DRDO, ISRO, and BARC etc. SCs are now working as
successful, doctors, engineers, architects, army officers,
lecturers etc.
Scheduled Caste in Entrepreneurship
Scheduled Caste needs lot of Improvement in Entrepreneurship.
But SCs are doing exceptionally well in Entrepreneurship in Punjab,
Haryana and Maharashtra. We need to wait for next 5-6 years to see
huge crowd of Scheduled Castes working as successful entrepreneurs