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No one can be CERTAIN. But how often do you jump to conclusions on a hunch?

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Q: How can you be certain that what the Bible say is really the truth?
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In the bible psalms about telling the truth?

yes it does everything in the bible is true and it really happened and all the chapters say that

Where in the Bible does it say the Bible is truth?

John 17 1 These words spake Jesus... 17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

What do you say when you swear on the bible in court UK?

In the UK, swearing on the bible in court you say: I do swear, by almighty God, that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Where does it say in the bible that a man would rather believe lies than the truth?

the bible don't say the truth because it ha'd something's is not true but some of them are true but i don't believe it

Where in the Bible does it say you can lie for peace's sake?

No where in the Bible does it say one should lie.Not anywhere. Satan is the father of lies from the beginning. God is truth, always.

What does the Bible say about being correct?

"...Thy Word is Truth." (John 17:17)

What does the bible say is truth?

"I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me." Jesus said these words in John 6:14, so Jesus is the truth.

What do you say when someone asks you how much do you like them?

you say the truth, whether you really do like them or not.

What is the religion of The Bible?

the bible does not encorage one certain religon but does condon actions of some religions but if you want a certain answer i would say Baptist b/c they follow the Bible word for word

How many times does the bible say a certain man?

The phrase "a certain man" is in the King James Version of the Bible 31 times. It is in 31 verses.

How do you know that Amitiel is the angel of truth?

In some religious texts and teachings, Amitiel is associated with truth or truth-telling due to their role in the heavenly hierarchy. However, interpretations of angels and their specific attributes can vary among different belief systems and traditions.

How do you say be true to me?

well you first say to the person just be yourself and tell me the truth how you really think or feel