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First of all you shouldn't be suicidal !!! second of all talk to some body to help you! before... its to late. and remember you wont be in peace if you kill yourself. you WILL suffer way more that life on earth!

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Q: How Do You Tell What if your Parents That You're Suicidal?
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How do you tell your parents that you are suicidal and you need help?

you say hey mom hey dad im suicidal and i need help

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If you or any one you know is suicidal do not tell them they are wrong. Instead tell your parents or contact your local emergency services. You can also contact the National Suicide Hotline (USA) at 1-800-273-8255. Remember, Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

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Go tell her parents what she is thinking. She needs help. Find out if she has a plan on how to do it. Often people make a threat like this for attention, but really don't have a plan. If she has a plan YOU NEED TO TELL HER PARENTS OR SOMEONE NOW. You can't wait on this. If you have to turn to a suicide hot line for help.

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go to a doctor or to your parents because if you feel like you want to hurt yourself either tell a friend or family member or an adult. any adult like a teacher or your parents or just someone you know

How do you tell your mom your friend is suicidal?

This shouldn't be hard to do. Tell her "Mary is talking about killing herself." You've got to speak up and tell her.