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"...human prospect. We are biological and our souls cannot fly free." - Wilson

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Q: For if the brain is a machine of ten billion nerve cells and the mind can somehow be explained as the summed activity of a finite number of chemical and electrical reactions then boundaries limit the?
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Does the electrical activity of the heart precede mechanical activity?

Yes. It is the electrical activity that stimulates the mechanical activity.

Which boundaries are converged boundaries?

earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, and avalanches.

What type of plate boundary is earthquakes locations?

All boundaries produce seismic activity, however convergent and transform boundaries have the most activity.

Is electrical activity of the heart distal to proximal?

No, electrical activity in the heart moves from proximal to distal.

What kind of activity does convergent boundaries do?

usually it is mountains

The edges of moving crustal plates are often defined by?

The edges of moving crustal plates are often defined by tectonic plate boundaries. There are three main types of plate boundaries: divergent boundaries where plates move apart, convergent boundaries where plates collide, and transform boundaries where plates slide past each other. These boundaries are important in understanding the processes of earthquakes, volcanic activity, and mountain building.

What is the difference between an MRI and a EEG?

Both measure electrical activity -- the ECG in the heart and the EEG in the brain.An EEG is an electroencephalogram and an ECG also known as an EKG is an electrocardiogram. An EEG records brainwave/electrical activity. An ECG records the electrical activity that the heart produces.

For consumers most market activity can be explained by the goal of?

maximizing happiness

Which aspects of a map indicates a particular type of features or activity which is usually explained in the legend?

The symbols used on a map are explained in the legend.

What does scientists use volcanoes and earthquake activity to establish?

plate boundaries

Which of the plate boundaries can produce earthquakes?

Earthquakes are produced at all types of plate boundaries: convergent boundaries, where plates collide; divergent boundaries, where plates separate; and transform boundaries, where plates slide past each other. The release of stress along these boundaries can result in seismic activity.

What are the three types of plate boundaries and what type of geologic activity is found at each?

The three types of plate boundaries are divergent, convergent, and transform. At divergent boundaries, tectonic plates move apart, leading to the formation of new crust through volcanic activity. At convergent boundaries, plates collide, causing subduction zones where one plate descends beneath the other, leading to earthquakes and volcanic activity. At transform boundaries, plates slide past each other horizontally, causing earthquakes.