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Wycliff was the first. His preacher boys would go across the English country side, reciting the parts of The Bible they had memorized to the farmers and workers. There were also hand written copies of the Wycliff Bible. The first published Bible came later, in the Tyndale translation.

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Q: First English translator of the Bible?
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The theologian was the first to translate the Bible into his native English?

John Wycliffe was the theologian who was the first to translate the Bible into his native English. John Wycliffe was an English Scholastic philosopher, theologian, lay preacher, translator, reformer and university teacher at Oxford in England.

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Yes, Ackuna Translator @

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Get a translator. Try google translator. If that doesn'nt do Swahili, find a translator that does. First I would recommend learning correct English, otherwise your Swahili translation will be as poor as you English.

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