The date 05-22-1987 in Roman numerals would be V.XXII.MCMLXXXVII
XXII is the number 22 in Roman numerals.
The date 22-03-1988 can be written in Roman numerals as XXII.III.MCMLXXXVIII
22 in roman numbers is "XXII"
22 = XXII, February is the second month so could be written as 2 or II and 2009 is MMIX, so 22nd February 2009 could be written as XXII.II.MMIX.
The date 05-22-1987 in Roman numerals would be V.XXII.MCMLXXXVII
XXII is the number 22 in Roman numerals.
The date 22-03-1988 can be written in Roman numerals as XXII.III.MCMLXXXVIII
22 in roman numbers is "XXII"
Roman numerals do not make provision for decimals. 22 is XXII
If you mean 822 then the equivalent in Roman numerals is DCCCXXII
22 = XXII, February is the second month so could be written as 2 or II and 2009 is MMIX, so 22nd February 2009 could be written as XXII.II.MMIX.
It is: 22 = XXII as a Roman numeral
In Roman Numerals that is XXII-III-MMXI.
In today's notation of Roman numerals: XI-XXII-MCMLXXXIV