Wheel has one syllable.
There are 5 syllables in this phrase. The - red - wheel-bar-row.
There is 2 syllables sand-wich
The word 'answer' has 2 syllables. An-swer.
One syllable
Wheel has one syllable.
There are 5 syllables in this phrase. The - red - wheel-bar-row.
The word "feeling" has two syllables. The syllables are "feel" and "ing".
Railroad (2 syllables), snowstorm (2 syllables), bookcase (2 syllables).
There are 2 syllables. Ve-ry.Ve-ry has two syllables.
they both have 2 syllables . bedroom has 2 syllables in the word and campfire has 2 syllables in the word.
There is 2 syllables sand-wich
There are two (2) syllables in cookies.cook-ies
it has 2 syllables stagg-ered
There are 2 syllables in "ugly."