When looking for rhyming words, go by the sound of each syllable. If one syllable, listen for the major sound you want to re-occur. If more than one syllable, you need to decide which syllable you want to rhyme (first, or last).
Words that rhyme with stuff:
It isn't a perfect rhyme, in other words, not all the syllables rhyme, but it is close enough to pass as a rhyme.
A potential word that means "ascend" and rhymes with "rhyme" is "climb."
external rhyme
Sufficient or aquedate are two synonyms for enough.
Not good enough
Some end rhymes would be bluff rough tough fluff puff stuff ... you might have to add a small one-syllable word before the end rhyme to get a perfect-sounding rhyme, since the word "enough" is two syllables.
yes, it's an end rhyme, a more pleasing rhyme would be a double syllable rhyme like stuffy/stuff me, or huffy, where you're rhyming the "uff" and the "e" parts of the word.
the word that rhymes with bored is sword
Yes, the word "to" does rhyme with "do."
For a phrase like that, you would usually only need to rhyme with the last word. Please see the related question for "What rhymes with stuff?"
Rhyme is a difficult word to spell.
No. The word "in" does not rhyme with out.Examples of words that rhyme with out:AboutBoutCloutDoubtFloutGoutGroutLoutPoutRoutShoutSnoutStoutToutTroutExamples of words that rhyme with in:BinDinFinGinHenMenSinTenTinWhenWenWinYenYinZen
It isn't a perfect rhyme, in other words, not all the syllables rhyme, but it is close enough to pass as a rhyme.
Some words that rhyme with the word 'due' are:blewbluebrewcluecrewcuedodrewewefewflewfluegluegnugoogrewhewhueknewmewmoonewpooqueueshoesuetotootrueviewwhewwhoyewyouzoo
Yes, "rhyme" and "kind" do rhyme with each other. They both have the same ending sound, which is "-ime."
No. When a word has an unstressed final syllable, you have to rhyme the stressed syllable as well. This is called a feminine rhyme. You might rhyme lieutenant with pennant.