

Best Answer

When looking for rhyming words, go by the sound of each syllable. If one syllable, listen for the major sound you want to re-occur. If more than one syllable, you need to decide which syllable you want to rhyme (first, or last).

Words that rhyme with stuff:

  • buff
  • cuff
  • duff
  • enough
  • fluff
  • guff
  • huff
  • muff
  • 'nuf (as slang only, substitute for "enough")
  • puff
  • rough
  • tough
  • tuff (as slang only, substitute for "tough")
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Q: Does the word enough rhyme with the word stuff?
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What sounds the same as enough?

Some end rhymes would be bluff rough tough fluff puff stuff ... you might have to add a small one-syllable word before the end rhyme to get a perfect-sounding rhyme, since the word "enough" is two syllables.

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yes, it's an end rhyme, a more pleasing rhyme would be a double syllable rhyme like stuffy/stuff me, or huffy, where you're rhyming the "uff" and the "e" parts of the word.

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the word that rhymes with bored is sword

What rhymes with 'and all sorts of stuff'?

For a phrase like that, you would usually only need to rhyme with the last word. Please see the related question for "What rhymes with stuff?"

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Yes, the word "to" does rhyme with "do."

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Rhyme is a difficult word to spell.

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Does in rhyme with out?

No. The word "in" does not rhyme with out.Examples of words that rhyme with out:AboutBoutCloutDoubtFloutGoutGroutLoutPoutRoutShoutSnoutStoutToutTroutExamples of words that rhyme with in:BinDinFinGinHenMenSinTenTinWhenWenWinYenYinZen

Does calculation rhyme with population?

It isn't a perfect rhyme, in other words, not all the syllables rhyme, but it is close enough to pass as a rhyme.

What a spelling word to rhyme with the word due?

Some words that rhyme with the word 'due' are:blewbluebrewcluecrewcuedodrewewefewflewfluegluegnugoogrewhewhueknewmewmoonewpooqueueshoesuetotootrueviewwhewwhoyewyouzoo

Do rhyme and kind rhyme?

Yes, "rhyme" and "kind" do rhyme with each other. They both have the same ending sound, which is "-ime."

Does the word drum have a short U sound?

Yes, the word drum has a short U sound, similar to the "uh" sound you hear in the word "stuff."