Dont really understand what you mean by this question. But, from what I see in it, The formula would be Minutes=4(60/4) The answer would be 60, an hour. 15 Minutes (Quarter of an hour) x4 would also work.
I dont know T_T
It is: (pi*radius2)/4
it does not work it is a trick graph its like a bar graph but not!...
no me and my homies tried it out with our cells... and it dont work. so what we gone do?!
No. They do not. They are really only people trying to trick you into signing up with their referals. Don't Do It.
No not really because of its stickiness so no use string
yes it does work but it wont with threading string.
You can do most anything with a Quarter horse, but they are best at ranch type work and rodeo work.
Good tips, flexible schedule, promotes from within, you want to be a gm. This is aa trick question to see if you really want to work there or just want a job.
The string on a sundial should run north to south for the sundial to work properly and accurately track the time using the shadow cast by the sun.
well.. if their both say humbuckers that look idenical i dont see why not although theres a few different sizes. single coils will only work on fender or ibanez gutiars (lets say) equipped with them and active pickups will only work if theres active gear inside the guitar. be sure to do a bit of research before, I didn't know the difference between a 7 string pickup and a 6 string , but now i know way more. Trick to that is to count the holes or metal nail looking things on the pickup. 6 = a 6 string pickup.. 7 - a 7 string ..ect.
With string on the collar of your shirt.