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it means the nine gifts of the spirit

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Q: Does the number 9 have a meaning in the Bible?
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What is the significance of the number nine in the Bible -?

Alot it seems

What does the number 276 mean in the Bible?

There is no meaning for this number in the Scripture.

What does the number 29 represent in the Bible?

A:Devout Christians have sought to find biblical meaning in just about every possible number, but there is limited agreement on what is clearly post-biblical speculation. For a number to have real meaning in the Bible, the original authors must have had that meaning in mind at the time of writing. While several numbers do have obvious significance in the Bible, especially the numbers 7, 17 and 40 (and other multiples of 20), there was no particular meaning given to other numbers.Lacking any clear meaning, some suggest that meaning can be found for the number 29 as the combination of 20, which they call the number of expectation, and 9, the number of judgement. Another suggestion is to give 29 the meaning 'departure'.

What the number 9 mean in the Bible?

Numbers play a significant role in the Bible. The number "9" represents:~Completeness~Finality~Fullness

What is the significance or meaning of 1234 in the Bible?

There is no significance to the number '1234' in the Bible. A 'Bible Numerologist' may differ.

What is the meaning of the number 14 in the Bible?

deliverance or salvation

What does the number 222 mean in the Bible?

There's no meaning or significance given to 222 in the Bible.

What does the number 9 represent in the Bible?


What is meaning behind the number 34 in the bible?

it means chapters

What does the bible say about 15?

Many numbers in the bible contain symbolic meaning. Unfortunately the number 15 does not

What does nine mean in the Bible?

9 doesn't appear to have a special meaning in the Bible. Read this article: The Meaning of Bible Numbers, Colors, Metals, and Names

What does thirty seven have to do with Christ?

The number 37 has no special meaning with Christ or in the Bible.