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No in fact Abraham and Sarai were ten years apart. More than likely, Ruth and Boaz were much farther apart in age than that, so age difference is not an issue. It does however put a premium on family, espescially parental, approval. It was unthinkable for a couple to marry in biblical times without approval of both families.

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Q: Does the Bible say anything about age difference in relationships?
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Age difference relationships?

As long as you're 18+, it doesn't matter. Below then, it's best to follow the rules of the state you live in (age of consent, for example).

Do relationships with older men and younger women work if there is a 15 year age difference?

Any adult relationship can work regardless of the age difference provided the two involved are committed to each other and do the work to develop their relationship.

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no just as long as their is no dodgy age difference.

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The Law can not do anything Unless He does not have consent from your parents and if there is more than a four year age difference.

How old can the difference be in a relationship?

Age is not particularly the problem in relationships, i think it rather depends on the maturaity level of the two people trying to establish it.

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As far as I know, there is no difference in age because both of those crusts were created by God at the same time. (Read Genesis 1 in your Bible for more information.)

Is 13 years age difference between couples too much?

If you are both are consenting adults then no, a 13 year difference in age is acceptable. However, the relationship would be far more successful if the 13 year difference began at 25 years of age or more with a partner who is 13 years older. If the 13 year difference in age is with too young a person the relationships seldom work out because of maturity problems.

Age difference in relationships?

age doesn't matters, if you are desperate to marry each other.

You know someone you really like but your 2 year older than them and he like you to that wrong?

it is neither wrong nor uncommen. many relationships have an age difference

How are relationships different in high school when it comes to age difference and how common is it?

Relationships between people in high school of different ages are very common. They happen because age no longer matters as much in high school as it does in middle school.These kinds of relationships may be different in the sense that the older person of the couple is able to drive, allowing the couple to go out way more.

Can a couple be three years apart in age?

Yes, a couple can be three years apart in age. Age differences in relationships are common and can vary greatly. As long as both individuals are of legal age and share a mutual understanding and connection, a three-year age difference is generally considered to be within a normal range.

Is a 4 year age difference bad in a relationship the boy being older?

In the younger years, it can be of significant difference. But as you age, the 4 years in difference seem to wane. My wife is 4 years younger than I am ... in our senior citizen age, the age difference doesn't really mean anything at all. By the way, there is no difference either if the gal is 4 years older either ... if two people are deeply in love and have a wonderful relationship, what's age then ... just a number.