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Q: Do you forget something every time you learn something new?
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What happens every time you learn something new or have a new thought or memory?

The structure of your brain changes.

How do you get your boyfriend to think about you all the time?

Do something he will never forget.

How can forget pleasure memory?

You cannot forget something by thinking about it. The best way to get over something that is dominating your mind is to focus on something else. Seek out new pleasures and in time you will forget. It is best to not suppress a memory, but replace it with better memories.

You have two very misbehaved boys what can you do?

Every time they misbehave take something belonging to them away for a week.It'll take a while but they'll learn to be good

Every time you learn something do you get a wrinkle in your brain?

No, you are born with the wrinkles in your brain (they increase the surface area), however when you learn things during life, new synaptic connections are made in your brain at the microscopic level.

How do you forget a guy that you like that hates you?

Often do something else! If you do something else for a long time, ( like playing with a friend for example ) you'll tottaly forget! Though if he's in your class it may take some time to forget cause that could be hard if he's in your class! Hope I helped! :D

What is the science of time?

chronology or something of the sort because Chrono means time from either greek or latin i forget which

How do you forget a girl you see every day?

I don't think it is possible to forget anyone you see daily. However, if you choose to not think about her so much then you need to fill the void. Think about something or someone else. In time, you will realize that it doesn't bother you as much. You will always remember though.

What are the ways of take good care of animals?

To probably feed it every day, play with it every once in a while, train it to NOT eat everything that you have laying out in your house, or to NOT have it go to the bathroom in your house, by giving it a treat every time they do something good, or when it does something bad just don't yell at it, just say NO but not in a very loud voice just do that and DONT give it a treat and it will learn from that and not do it anymore cause they will realize that every time they do something bad they will get in trouble and NOT receive a treat.

What is the theme of papas parrot?

That people can learn from animals and we have take care of our fathers and visit them from time to time

What is Grandpa time?

its your time to go to school, learn something, and stop asking stupid questions!!

How many times do you have to hear something before you believe it?

You have to hear something about 7 time to learn it. But it is different for everyone, for me I have to hear thing about 8-9 times to to learn it.