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It varies from person to person, and how close you measure. Measure real close and there will be a difference for just about all people. But it's quite unusual for the difference to be big enough to be a problem.

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Q: Do our feet have the same size?
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Ceiling tiles are not all the same size, but I have often seen them in the size one foot by one foot.

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the same size 10 feet tall people use, i would assume...:)

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The size of the state flag of Ohio is about the same size as an average flag, which is 6 feet x 4 feet.

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It is approx 74.97 sq metres.

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About the same size as the circumference of their head

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3 feet and 1 yard are the same size or equal to each other.

Are your footprints the same as your other foot?

No, they are never exactly the same. One of your feet is bigger/smaller than the other. Whether my a millimeter or a whole size, they're never EXACTLY the same. One of my feet is a 1/2 a size bigger than my other one.

Will a 8.0 by 32.0 skateboard be right for a size 11 foot size and 5 foot 9 in height?

NO GET a 7.75 its a perfect size i have the same size feet and its perfect