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Banks can have multiple routing numbers, but any of the routing numbers should work. This often happens as a result of mergers and acquisitions. However, the person who answered that it is different on his deposit slip is wrong. That is not the routing number but a number used by your bank to process deposits. Don't use deposit slips for getting routing numbers.

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Where are the best places online to find bank routing numbers.?

A bank routing number is the series of numbers that uniquely identifies both the company and location of a specific bank branch. The best way to find the bank routing number is on one of your checks from an account at the old bank. You may also find the numbers on an account statement. Many bank websites also list bank routing numbers.

How can you find out your bank's routing number without having a check?

Usually bank routing numbers are by state. Find the routing number for the state you opened your account in. Most banks have made their routing numbers public. Of course, calling your bank and asking which routing number is associated with your account is the best way to find out.

What is routing number?

The Routing Number is the first set of numbers before the bank account number.

what is the routing number?

The Routing Number is the first set of numbers before the bank account number.

Where can you find bank routing numbers?

Bank routing numbers can be found on a check next to the account number or found on some websites. Many websites also offer lists of routing numbers for various banks, or alternatively just ask in your bank.

How can I learn how to read a check routing and account number?

To learn how to read a check routing and account number, you can look at the bottom of a check. The routing number is the first set of numbers, which identifies the bank. The account number is usually the second set of numbers, which identifies your specific account. You can also ask your bank for guidance on understanding these numbers.

What is the difference between an account number and a routing number?

Account numbers are like a cumstomer ID specific to the customer and the routing number is specific to the bank, sort of a bank ID. For electronic funds transfers, the routing number lets them know what bank the money is going to and then the account number lets them know the person the money is going to at that bank. The routing numbers are typically nine digits and usually the first set of numbers (from left to right) at the bottom of a check, then followed by either the check number or the person's account number.

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