No, the Romans did not invent the toilet. The first toilets were chamber pots and every ancient society had them. However, the Romans did improve them by inventing their version of a flush toilet.
not sure maybe calpol
as i belive, no it came from India
No, Thor was from Norse Mythology.
That's right they were holes in the ground, but the correct name for them was Foricae or Latrine. :)
The roman empire dedided that they needed a number system
They didn't invent them (Mohenjo-Daro had some of the most advanced toilets) but they used them to get rid of their excretion.
No, the Romans had water-cleansed toilets.
The Romans didn't invent the microscope
one of the things are toilets.
so people could use it
The Romans made toilets for the same reason that we make toilets----to go into. However the Romans also used their toilets as garbage dumps and all household waste as well as human waste was flushed down them. And yes, the Romans still use toilets. They have them in all the houses and apartments, restaurants, public buildings, etc. in the city.
The Romans invented concrete.
The Romans invented concrete.