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Q: Did the Catholic church assemble the Bible?
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What Scriptures did the Catholic Church change in the Bible?

Roman Catholic AnswerYou are operating with a mistaken assumption. The Catholic Church wrote the Bible, the Catholic Church decided which books were canonical (included in the Bible), and the Catholic Church has conserved the Bible through the centuries. The only ones who changed any Scriptures in the Bible are the protestants, who, after fifteen centuries of a Bible preserved by the Catholic Church came along and threw books out of the Bible, and changed the meanings of books they would not throw out.

What are the books of the Gospel in the Catholic Bible?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Gospels in the Bible are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The "Catholic Bible" is the Bible as used by the Church for two millenium.

Does the Catholic Bible include Leviticus?

Roman Catholic AnswerFunny thing about that, the Catholic Church wrote and approved the Bible, all approved Bibles are "Catholic Bibles". Without the Catholic Church there would be no Bible today. The only non-Catholic Bibles are protestant Bibles, and the only difference in them, is that they have removed some books from the Old Testament with which they did not agree. So, to answer your question, of course the Bible includes the book of Leviticus.

Do Catholic Christians read the bible contextually or literally?

Catholic read the Bible literally and it applied to the church Magisterium and the The Cathechism of the Catholic church.They showed it to their actions and their faith.

Who compiled the first Bible?

The bible that is used by the Christians, that is the old and new testaments, was put together by the Catholic church.

Related questions

What Scriptures did the Catholic Church change in the Bible?

Roman Catholic AnswerYou are operating with a mistaken assumption. The Catholic Church wrote the Bible, the Catholic Church decided which books were canonical (included in the Bible), and the Catholic Church has conserved the Bible through the centuries. The only ones who changed any Scriptures in the Bible are the protestants, who, after fifteen centuries of a Bible preserved by the Catholic Church came along and threw books out of the Bible, and changed the meanings of books they would not throw out.

Why is The Bible catholic?

The term 'catholic' in this sense means 'universal.' In that the Bible is worldwide, it Is catholic. This has nothing to do with the Catholic Church.

Is the American Bible approved by the Catholic Church?

The New American Bible is the Bible which was translated for and is the official Bible of the Catholic Church in the United State, yes, it carries a the Bishops Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat.

Is the Gideon International Bible a Catholic version?

THe Gideon International Bible is most certainly not a Bible approved by the Catholic Church.

What are the books of the Gospel in the Catholic Bible?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Gospels in the Bible are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The "Catholic Bible" is the Bible as used by the Church for two millenium.

How many verses are there in the roman Catholic bible?

. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the Catholic Church. Thus there is no "Roman Catholic Bible."

Is the American standard version bible catholic?

It is accepted by the Catholic Church, yes.

Are there any other Bibles that follow the Catholic teaching?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere is only one Bible, it was written by the Catholic Church, preserved for centuries by the Catholic Church, and is interpreted by the Catholic Church. There is no other.

What church used the bible that was translated into Greek?


Is the name Catholic Church Biblical?

.Catholic AnswerThe name "Catholic" came about before the Bible (New Testament) was written completely, and definitely before it was put together in the fourth century. The "Church" part is in the Bible, but not the word "Catholic." Members of the Catholic Church wrote the Bible, and then Pope Damasus and the Council of Rome ordered which books definitively made up the Canon of the New Testament. In other words, the Bible depends upon the Catholic Church, not the other way around. So, no, the words "Catholic Church" do not appear in the New Testament.

How is the Bible used in a Roman Catholic Church?

It is the source of the the Readings and the Gospel at every Mass, and is the inspiration for the responsorial psalms.It is the basis of the Catholic faith and as such influences all their services.Basically, the entire Mass is from the Bible, in one way or another, as well as the entire Divine Office. Nothing in the Catholic faith can in anyway contradict the Bible, it is one of the two sources (along with Sacred Tradition) of the Catholic faith. Further, the Bible is used for personal reading and reflection, as shown in the practice of Lectio Divina and the Breviary.Please note that the Catholic Church is NOT Bible based, the Catholic Church wrote the Bible, decided which books would be in the New Testament, and preserved the Bible for all these centuries: the Church is not based on the Bible, the Bible is based on the Church.

Do Catholics teach Bible truths?

YesRoman Catholic Answerfrom The Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition, English translation 1994141 "The church has always venerated the divine Scriptures as she venerated the Body of the Lord" (Dei Verbum) 21): both nourish the govern the whole Christian life. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Ps 119:105; cf. Isa 50:4).