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matthew, luke, john, peter, jude wrote jude, james

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Q: Did any of the twelve disciples of Jesus wrote the new testament?
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Do the twelve disciples of Jesus represent the twelve tribes of Israel?

Some who are sceptical about the gospels story say that the twelve disciples represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Some even go further and say that, in both cases, the twelve derives from the twelve star signs in the heavens.Answer 2If the question "represent" is intended as "come from", i.e. did each of Jesus' twelve disciples come from a different tribe, then the answer is: No. All of Jesus' followers were either Levites or Judahites. The other tribes were not represented.Answer/Maybe.According to the Epistle of Barnabas, who wrote: '.. to whom the Lord gave authority to preach his Gospel : being at the beginning twelve, to signify the tribes, because there were twelve tribes of Israel.' Note that the earliest known version of the Epistle of Barnabas is from the 4th century (~300 years after Barnabas walked the earth) and is only only ascribed to Barnabas by tradition so its authenticity is unknown.

How many people that wrote the new testament that actually knew Jesus?

none of them

What are the names of the disciples who wrote books in the New Testament?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Peter. Paul also, but he was an Apostle.

Who of the original twelve disciples wrote books of the Bible?

Christian tradition attributes the Gospels of Matthew and John to two of the twelve disciples. Epistles are also attributed to James, John, Jude and Peter.Actually, none of the twelve disciples wrote any book that we see in the New Testament. The four gospels were written anonymously and were only attributed th the disciples whose names they now bear, later in the second century. Scholars say that these gospels were not written by eyewitnesses to the events they portray. None of the epistles can be attributed to any of the disciples. In fact, Jude clearly identifies itself as a second-century book, while 2 Peter includes almost all of the material in Jude, proof that 2 Peter was also written during the second century. Scholars have looked closely at all these works to find evidence of the original disciples, but see nothing in the gospels or epistles that points back to any of the disciples.

How many of Jesus' twelve apostles wrote letters that are published in the Bible?

The epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude are attributed to the disciples of those names. However, it is recognised by scholars that the epistles were not really written by the disciples. In fact, 2 Peter incorporates almost all of the Epistle of Jude, something that is not really credible if the Epistles of Peter were really written by the disciple. And Jude, although intended to be read as if written by Jude in the first century, stands with its readers and looks towards the past saying that the readers, "must remember the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ"- placing the real disciples in the distant past.

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What did the disciple Nathaniel do?

Nathaniel was a disciple of Jesus Christ, but he was a more qiet of the 12 disciples, The Bible does not say that he wrote any book in the New Testament ,or for the matter did anything of importance, some one like thadeus and Bartholomew.

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St. Matthew was one of Jesus's twelve apostles and an author of the first gospel in the New Testament. He was a tax collector before becoming a follower of Jesus and is often depicted symbolically with a winged man.

Why did only a certain amount of disciples write books in the Bible?

A disciple is someone who spreads the gospel. Or is a follower of Jesus. So the answer is yes only a few wrote the new testament. But we as christians are all suppoed to be disciples.

Who wrote the Twelve Articles and why?

Jesus did

What did the disciples do to show they cared for Jesus?

Jesus' disciples were His companions for three years, accompanying Him throughout His ministry. After they had witnessed the Resurrection, the disciples bore witness to what they had seen and knew - that Jesus was indeed risen from the dead and God's son. They preached this message until the end of their lives, endured persecution in His name, and wrote a record of what they had seen and heard. These writings became part of the New Testament.

Matthew Mark Luke and John who was not one of the 12 diciples?

Luke was not one of the 12 disciples. He was a physician and historian who wrote the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament.

Do the twelve disciples of Jesus represent the twelve tribes of Israel?

Some who are sceptical about the gospels story say that the twelve disciples represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Some even go further and say that, in both cases, the twelve derives from the twelve star signs in the heavens.Answer 2If the question "represent" is intended as "come from", i.e. did each of Jesus' twelve disciples come from a different tribe, then the answer is: No. All of Jesus' followers were either Levites or Judahites. The other tribes were not represented.Answer/Maybe.According to the Epistle of Barnabas, who wrote: '.. to whom the Lord gave authority to preach his Gospel : being at the beginning twelve, to signify the tribes, because there were twelve tribes of Israel.' Note that the earliest known version of the Epistle of Barnabas is from the 4th century (~300 years after Barnabas walked the earth) and is only only ascribed to Barnabas by tradition so its authenticity is unknown.

What is meant by New Testament of the Bible?

The New testament is stuff the diciples wrote after jesus died

Were the evangelists also disciples of Jesus?

Yes, the evangelists were not among the original twelve disciples of Jesus. The evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were later followers of Jesus who wrote the Gospels based on their experiences and teachings.

Which one of Jesus diciples was a doctor?

Of the 12 apostles, Luke was a physician. Answer Of the twelve apostles none are mentioned as being a doctor, but Luke the writer of one of the Gospels was a disciple and he was a physician (doctor).

What books of the Bible did the disciples write?

Most of the books of the New Testament were written by apostles or other disciples of Jesus Christ. Matthew the apostle wrote a gospel. John the apostle wrote a gospel, three epistles and Revelation. Peter the apostle wrote two epistles, although recent scholarship has indicated that "2 Peter" was written many decades after his death by a follower. James and Jude each wrote an epistle, but they are probably not the two apostles by those names but two others known as brothers of the Lord. Mark, a follower of Peter, wrote a gospel. Luke, a follower of Paul, wrote a gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. Paul, an apostle but not one of the twelve who followed Jesus Christ during his public life, wrote 13 epistles. The author of the Epistle to the Hebrews is unknown.

How many people that wrote the new testament that actually knew Jesus?

none of them