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The Jews seem to have been unaware that the Temple veil was torn at the time of Jesus' death. They made no record of this happening, nor of it being repaired, yet such a momentous event would surely have been mentioned somewhere, if only in correspondence. When Josephus, formerly a priest in the Jerusalem Temple, described the veil, he makes no mention of any visible damage or repair.
Some scholars even doubt whether any of Jesus' followers would have been able to see the curtain.

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What did the Jewish people say when they found the Temple ripped in two
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The temple in Jerusalem continued to be the worship place for the Jews until 70 A.D. approximately 38 years after Jesus' death. Possible a new veil was made or the old one repaired

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What do Jews believe about Jesus Christ's death?

Christian answer:In addressing a group of Jews about their role in the death of the Messiah, the apostle Peter said the words in Acts 3:14-17. Jesus' death would be beneficial-but not for the Jews only. His ransom sacrifice would provide the means to release all mankind from bondage to sin and death. Jewish answer:Jews believe that Jesus died in the same manner as other people and without any miracles or special significance.

What are the many names that Jesus is called?

masiah, king of jews. jesus christ, son of God

What were Christians called in the old testament?

Jesus was not yet in human form, so they was no Christians. But in the NT, It was mostly Jews who believed in Jesus, but they were not really considered a different religion from Judaism, but just a different sect, that believes that the messiah was already come. They were called "Believers, or followers of "The Way." They even worshiped in the Jewish Temple! Until they were kicked out, that is...

What role did the Jews play in Jesus death?

The ordinary Jewish person played no real part in the death of Jesus. Those who were the political and religious leaders wanted Jesus removed as He was a threat to their understanding of religion and God. According to the New Testament, these leaders searched for any excuse to have Jesus condemned, even bringing forward witness who lied (Matthew 26:60). However, the Jewish leaders could not sentence anyone to death and so had to bring Jesus to the Roman governor, Pilate, for this to take place (John 18:31). Therefore, although it was Pontius Pilate who ordered the crucifixion of Jesus, it was the Jewish chief priests and elders who requested that this be done.

Why did Jesus upset some Jewish authorities?

He said he was the King of all the Jews.

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Why did Jesus lead the Jews to freedom?

Jesus did not lead the Jews to freedom. The Romans went on to destroy the Holy Temple and expel the Jews from the land.

Why Jesus choose King David' temple?

Because both Jesus and King David were a prophet who have acknowledge of several holiest place. A: There was never a King David's temple, the first temple was built by king Solomon after David's death. In Jesus' time the Jews worshiped at Herod's temple that stood in the place of Solomon's temple that was destroyed by the Babylonians hundreds of years before.

What did Jesus call the church He worshipped in when He was growing up?

Jews worshiped in a synagogue or temple.

Did Jesus Christ consider King Herod's Temple holy?

The temple that was when Jesus was alive had been around since the return of the jews to jerusalem after the captivity. Herod only improved the physical parts of the temple. God was still considered to have a presence in the Holy of Holies and was worshiped at the temple and so yes Jesus considered the temple to be holy in that sense.

The interpretation of verses 13-22 of John 2?

AnswerThis passage begins with the "cleansing of the Temple". In the synoptic gospels, it occurred just before the arrest and trial of Jesus, and in fact was largely the reason for that arrest. In John, Jesus overturned the tables and drove the moneychangers from the Temple right at the beginning of his three-year minnistry.The author of John's Gospel is well known for his indulgence in plays on words. All the gospels were written after the destruction of the Temple, and so, beginning with Mark, incorporate a prophecy that the Temple would be destroyed. However, to John, the real temple is the body, so he has Jesus refer to his own future crucifixion and resurrection. He says that if you destroy this temple (which the Jews understand to be the Temple in which Jesus overturned the tables, but which he really meant to be his own body) then in three days he would raise the temple up again. john says that later, after the resurrection, the disciples remembered Jesus' words and believed.

What role did Caiaphas play in jesus's life?

Caliphs the high priest tried Jesus , but as the Jews did not have the power to send anyone to death. He then sent Jesus to Pilate to sentence him to death on the cross.

Who allowed Jesus to return from exile and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem?

This did not happen. The Second Temple stood while Jesus was alive and remained standing for four decades after Jesus was killed by the Romans. The Third Temple has not been built.Jesus was never in exile, didn't return from one, and was never involved in any way in rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus came to earth approximately 536 years after the return of the Jews to rebuild the temple.An observation:Just in case the question meant to read "Jews" instead of "Jesus" (which would then completely make sense), the answer would be King Cyrus of Persia (Ezra 5:13). Zerrubabel led the Jews, along with Ezra and Nehemiah in the rebuilding of the Temple.

What happen to Israel people after Jesus Christ death?

Some of them became Messianic Jews.

What duse Jesus lamb of god mean?

Jesus - Lamb of God, refers to the fact that the Jews gave sacrifices in the temple, and thus, they would understand this metaphor. Jesus was to be the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world, just like the Jews; when they sinned they were supposed to bring a lamb as a sacrifice.

What did Herod or Pilate write on the cross?

INRI was written on the cross to mock Jesus Christ in his torture and death. It means "Jesus: King of the Jews."

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It symbolizes the death of Jesus. Jesus was the messiah that the Jews had been waiting for. Jesus was crucified on a cross, and he was wearing a crown of thorns.

Why do people hate the Jews when it was the Italians who killed the Rabbi Jesus?

The Jews are blamed for the death of Jesus because it was the Jewish religious leaders who manipulated Herod and Pilate into crucifying Jesus by charging Jesus with breaking certain Jewish laws making him worthy of death. The Romans would have rather released Jesus that day and crucified Barabbas. But the Jewish mobs at the behest of the Jewish leaders clamored for the release of Barabbas and the crucifixion of Jesus.