

Did Einstein flunk math

Updated: 9/13/2023
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15y ago

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No matter what they say, no he did not. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Einstein was a mathematical prodigy, before he was 12, he knew more about math and calculus than you probably do now. He not also passed math with flying colors, he was so smart, that he thought school was holding him back.

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Did Albert Einstein flunk math?

There is no official evidence whether Albert Einstein flunked math or not. It is highly debated. It was thought that he flunked because he was bored of school. However, in recent years, some are saying that he just failed an important math test instead of the actual class.

How do you use flunk in a sentence?

I flunked my math exam last week.

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Albert Einstein love math

What to do when you flunk math?

Take it over and study harder. You can do it. I know I have been there, done that.

Was Einstein good at math?

yes Einstein was good in math but failed once in his school

What were Einsteins struggles and failures?

Einstein struggled academically as a child and faced rejection from universities early in his career. He also faced challenges in his relationships, including two failed marriages. In his scientific work, he encountered resistance to his theories and struggled to reconcile quantum mechanics with his own theories of relativity.

How does Albert Einstein's contriution to math relate to todays field of math?

Albert Einstein was not good at math cause hes not a math guy is a science guy

How did Einstein use math?

Albert Einstein used math for his world famous equation of E = mc2

How did Albert Einstein make math?

Albert Einstein made math to make people clever

What did Albert Einstein contribute to the math?

Nothing. Einstein was a physicist.

Did einstein fail math?
