The date 27-10-1984 in Roman numerals would be XXVII.X.MCMLXXXIV
The birthday 10 12 1984 in Roman numerals is X.X.MCMLXXXIV.
In todays notation of Roman numerals: X-XIII-MCMLXXXIV
The roman numerals for 1-10 are as follows:IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXX
The number 10 in Roman numerals is X.
The date 27-10-1984 in Roman numerals would be XXVII.X.MCMLXXXIV
The birthday 10 12 1984 in Roman numerals is X.X.MCMLXXXIV.
In todays notation of Roman numerals: X-XIII-MCMLXXXIV
You could write that as XI X MCMLXXXIV
The roman numerals for 1-10 are as follows:IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXX
The number 10 in Roman numerals is X.
10 in Roman numerals is represented by the letter "X".
The letter "X" stands for the number 10.
In today's notation of Roman Numerals: X-XXVIII-MMIX
10-19-1989 in Roman numerals is X.XIX.MCMLXXXIX
In Roman numerals XXV stands for 10+10+5 = 25
ccclxii IS in Roman Numerals. 362 in base 10.