The numerator for the answer to #7 is -36.
They do not contradict!
The numerator of the fraction is 5 and the denominator is 7.
how do you use the word circling in a sentence
I could not contradict her arguments.
Jack is now trying to contradict his own views on the subject.Do not contradict yourself on this issue now.
She grew increasingly annoyed as he began to contradict himself. She thought before she spoke, careful not to contradict her previous statements.
"It would not be wise to contradict this answer." Meaning: It would not be wise to say that this answer is wrong.
1.I had no evidence to contradict the theory.2.I didn't have any evidence that i could use to contradict the theory.
Those people that contradict the Bible are heretics.
I hesitate to contradict you.
She claimed to be environmentally conscious, yet she drove a gas-guzzling SUV, which seemed to contradict her beliefs.
i feel a condradict way
it means "to speak" or "say"also anything to do "virbably"
The word contradict is a verb. The past tense is contradicts.