Upwards is a compound word.
Upstairs is a compound word, so it is one word.
A non compound word is , a word with one word not two . For a example a compound word is snowflake. An non compound is hot cheetos.
No. The word fast is not a compound word.
The word "pit" can be added to "fire" and "stone" to make the compound word "firepit" or "stonepit."
Some compound words with the word "stone" in them are cornerstone, limestone, moonstone, and millstone.
headstone sandstone gravestone
The noun 'stone' is an uncountable noun as a word for a mineral substance.The noun 'stone' (stones) is a count noun as a word for pieces of this substance.
Yes, "gemstone" is a compound word made up of the words "gem" and "stone" that are combined to form a single word with a unique meaning.
No, building is not a compound word.
The contraction (not a compound word) is doesn't.
Upwards is a compound word.
There is no compound word.A compound word is a word like bus-stop.Husban is spelt like this husband
Upstairs is a compound word, so it is one word.
The compound word for pitch is "pitchfork".