

Circumference in a sentence

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: Circumference in a sentence
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Can you give me a sentence for the word circumference?

The circumference of a circle is the length around it.

Sentence for circumference?

The hole circumference was 12in. long >.<

What would be a good sentence with the word circumference in it?

Well it all depends on what the sentence is about, like is it about a egg or what exactly are you asking or telling the circumference of?

What is a good sentence with the word circumference?

Today in our math class, we had to find the circumference of a circle.

Can you make a sentence about circumference?

It seems quite strange that the circumference of the Moon, as observed from the Earth, matches the circumference of the Sun. The perimeter of a circle or of an ellipse is called the circumference.

Use circumference in a sentence?

Let's traverse the circumference of the park before we pace off it's diameter.

What is a sentence with the word circumference in it?

Magellan's crew made the circumference of the world, but most died in doing so ( this is true).

How do you use cirumference in a sentence?

The circumference of the earth is almost 25 000 miles. The circumference of a circle is equal to pi times the diameter. We sailed around the entire circumference of the island

How can you put the word circumference in a sentence?

His prime objective was to measure a degree on the equator to calculate the circumference of the earth.Studies have shown there has been a large increase in waist circumference in young people.The earth's circumference was accurately measured around 240 BCE by Eeratosthenes.It isn't easy to measure the circumference of large items.

How do you use circumfrence in a sentence?

In order to calculate the circumference of a circle multiply the radius by itself, then pi.

Sentence using the word radius?

To find the circumference of a circle, you need to multiply the radius by 3.14.

How do you make a sentence for pi?

Pi is a dimensionless number, being the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius.