A score of 172 is very high.
You cannot determine someone's IQ from a fingerprint.
Someone with an IQ of 40-70 is dumb. Someone with an IQ of 1-20 has the intelligence of a starfish.
It has no unit; it is just a number, which is based on a normal distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 15. The "average" person has an IQ of 100. There is a standard error associated with calculating IQs of a 95% chance that the actual IQ is within the range of the given IQ ± 4; which means that someone with an IQ of 102 could actually have less of whatever it is the IQ tests measure than someone with an IQ of 100.
A score of 172 is very high.
You cannot determine someone's IQ from a fingerprint.
Someone with an IQ of 40-70 is dumb. Someone with an IQ of 1-20 has the intelligence of a starfish.
Ideally, the IQ score is independent of the subject's age. 172 is a totally unbelievable IQ score for anybody; before it is accepted as fact, the test should probably be repeated. +++ Even if the figure was a misprint for 127, that would still be a high IQ BUT it is important to remember IQ is not everything. Standard IQ tests tend to be limited to testing skills with various numerical, lexical and pattern puzzles; and are not a reliable guide to the subject's learning ability or future academic results.
Not only is it possible, but many people have the same IQ.
That's a high IQ, meaning someone is very smart.
"someone" is a singular form. "someone in America"[sic] is still singular. Depending on who this "someone" is, the answer you seek is his/her IQ divided by 1, therefore providing the number of his/her IQ. If this "someone" is you, the average you ask for is probably within the range from 70 to 80.
It has no unit; it is just a number, which is based on a normal distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 15. The "average" person has an IQ of 100. There is a standard error associated with calculating IQs of a 95% chance that the actual IQ is within the range of the given IQ ± 4; which means that someone with an IQ of 102 could actually have less of whatever it is the IQ tests measure than someone with an IQ of 100.
There are no IQ requirements to play bridge. And 115 is above average.
It is way above normal. 100, plus or minus 10 points, is considered average and over 140 is eligible for MENSA.
That you are slightly above average. it is a virtual scale. there are no exact properties of the scale you can point to and say that is an example of someone with 114 IQ and say that someone with 113 IQ would not have them.In addition it is always referred to as POTENTIAL. A high IQ is not a guarantee of high intelligence unless it is exercised