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to the group in which participants are representative of people in general.

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Q: Being randomly assigned to the experimental group in a research project involves being assigned?
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Being randomly assigned to the experimental condition in a research project involves being assigned?

to a specific group in an experiment where a particular treatment or intervention is applied. This allows researchers to compare the effects of the treatment to those in a control group. Random assignment helps ensure that participants are equally distributed across conditions, reducing the likelihood of bias in the results.

What is the Difference between experimental and non experimental?

Experimental research involves manipulating variables to observe the effects on an outcome, while non-experimental research does not involve manipulating variables. Experimental research allows researchers to establish cause-and-effect relationships, whereas non-experimental research focuses on observing and describing relationships between variables without manipulation.

How does experimental research differ importantly from correlational research methods?

Experimental research involves manipulating variables to determine cause-and-effect relationships, while correlational research examines the relationship between two or more variables without manipulation. Experimental research allows for greater control over variables and enables researchers to draw stronger causal inferences compared to correlational research.

What research method was used in the Philip Zimbardo's study?

Philip Zimbardo's study, known as the Stanford prison experiment, utilized a quasi-experimental research design. Participants were randomly assigned to role-play as prisoners or guards in a simulated prison environment to observe the effects of situational factors on behavior. The study aimed to investigate how individuals conform to assigned social roles and the potential consequences of power dynamics in a controlled setting.

How does nonexperimental research differ from experimental research?

what is the difference between non experimental research and experimental research?

What are the Types of qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research includes methods like interviews, focus groups, and observations that aim to explore experiences and opinions. Quantitative research involves numerical data collection and analysis, using methods such as surveys and experiments to measure relationships and patterns.

What kind of research is needed to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables?

You need to set up an experimental study. The variable which is the cause should be randomly assigned and the effect variable is then observed. Other study designs can only tell you that there is a link or correlation, but not necessarily a causal relation.

What is the type of research where there has been pre assignment to groups?


Which of the following are the three basic types of research used in psychology?

The three basic types of research used in psychology are descriptive research, correlational research, and experimental research. Descriptive research aims to observe and describe behavior, correlational research examines the relationship between variables, and experimental research involves manipulating variables to determine cause and effect.

What research method yields the most definite evidence of cause effect conclusions?

Experimental research method yields the most definite evidence of cause-effect conclusions because it involves manipulating variables, controlling extraneous factors, and randomly assigning participants to conditions, allowing researchers to establish a causal relationship between variables.

What is expost facto research design and the different conditions in using it?

It involves assignment of subjects to experimental group and control group. it also involves subjecting the experimental group to experimental treatment. it can be defined as an "After the fact design". it is a form of design in which a particular characteristics of a given group is investigated so as to identify it anticidents.

What is non-experimental research?

Non Experimental Research. Involves studying naturally occurring variation in the dependent and independent variable without any intervention by the researcher.