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Hmmm. "How are things going with you and Judy?" "Great! We're in a wonderful fact." "The casual relationship is that terrorists bombed the World Trade Center." No, I'd say they are not synonymous.

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Q: Are facts and causal relationships synonymous?
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What is the best way to diagram causal relationships?

a busy traffic signal

How are causal relationships established in experiments?

Please refine the question, your makeing no scence....

What is a causal story?

A causal story is an explanation of events or outcomes that emphasizes the relationships between different factors or variables, highlighting how one factor leads to the occurrence of another. It aims to narrate how specific causes result in particular effects or consequences. Causal stories help understand the mechanics and relationships behind phenomena and are commonly used in scientific research and analysis.

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a scientific explanation of the total causal relationships of an assemblage of phenomena that are mutually coordinated but not subordinated at places.

What is a causal variable?

A causal variable is a factor that influences or directly leads to a change in another variable. It is a variable that is believed to be the cause of a particular outcome or result in a given situation. Understanding causal relationships between variables is important in fields such as statistics, social sciences, and experimental research.

In statistics how do relationships and causal relationships work?

relationships r just two people showing love without sex. love is somone that you will hold for the rest of your life and die for. you will live and die with them or for them. you will do anything nomater what.

What does causal inference mean?

A causal inference may not be supported by known facts, but can often be correctly assumed.Right after I saw lightning outside, our electricity went out. (causal: lightning caused the outage)While it was raining very hard, I noticed the window was leaking water. (causal; rainwater found a break around the window)After mom's car hit the pothole, the tire blew. (causal: the sharp edge of the pothole caused the tire to blow)

What is causal studies?

Casual studies are study methods that test a hypothesis in a market situation to better understand cause and effect relationships.

Difference between a survey and an experimental research?

Characteristics of the Three Research DesignsResearch designGoalAdvantagesDisadvantagesDescriptiveTo create a snapshot of the current state of affairsProvides a relatively complete picture of what is occurring at a given time. Allows the development of questions for further study.Does not assess relationships among variables. May be unethical if participants do not know they are being observed.CorrelationalTo assess the relationships between and among two or more variablesAllows testing of expected relationships between and among variables and the making of predictions. Can assess these relationships in everyday life events.Cannot be used to draw inferences about the causal relationships between and among the variables.ExperimentalTo assess the causal impact of one or more experimental manipulations on a dependent variableAllows drawing of conclusions about the causal relationships among variables.Cannot experimentally manipulate many important variables. May be expensive and time consuming.

What are the characteristics of positivist models?

Positivist models are based on the idea that knowledge is derived from observable facts and empirical data. They emphasize objectivity, empirical evidence, and the use of scientific methods to study and understand phenomena. Positivist models seek to establish causal relationships and predict outcomes through systematic observation and experimentation.

What is a causal conjunction?

a causal conjunction is 'because'

Are there any people as random as me out there?

Do you really claim to be without pattern or objective; to lack causal relationships; to be haphazard and without purpose? If so, then no, there is no one as random as you. Owned.