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* I deation: S/he expresses thoughts of suicide verbally or written, as outright threats or hints. * S ubstance abuse: S/he increases or has excessive alcohol or drug use. * P urposelessness: S/he sees no reason for living or has no sense of meaning or purpose in life. * A nxiety: S/he feels anxious, agitated, unable to sleep, or sleeps excessively. * T rapped: S/he feels like there is no way out. * Hopelessness: S/he feels hopeless about self, others, and/or the future. * W ithdrawal: S/he withdraws from family, friends, usual activities, and/or society. * A nger: S/he feels rage or uncontrolled anger, and seeks revenge for perceived wrongs. * R ecklessness: S/he acts without regard for consequences, with excessively risky behavior, and/or seemingly without thinking. * M ood Changes: S/he experiences dramatic changes in mood.

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