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Q: According to the word entry How many definitions are there for the word retribution?
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How many definitions are there for the word retribution?

There are several definitions for the word retribution, but most commonly it refers to punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act they have committed. It can also refer to a deserved reward or outcome based on someone's actions.

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How many different definitions are for the word entry?

There are 2 common ones.Entry (enn-tree), n.1. An act of going or coming in.2. A place of entrance, such as a door or gate.

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There are 69 definitions. Set is the word with the most dictionary definitions.

Why are dictionary definitions numbered are the different definitions ranked?

Dictionary definitions are numbered to signify separate entries or meanings for a word. The numbering helps to differentiate and organize each distinct definition, making it easier for users to navigate and locate the specific meaning they are seeking. The order of definitions within a dictionary entry is typically based on frequency of use or historical significance rather than ranking in terms of importance.

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According to its Pokedex entry, 2 feet. Not very big in comparison to many other Pokemon.

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I have NO idea

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