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Such a book is called a concordance. One of the most popular is Strong's Concordance which uses a system of numbers to differentiate each major word and also to link English words with their Greek and Hebrew equivalents. For more information see:

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Q: A book that lists the important words of the Bible and where to find them is called?
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Are written words in the Bible called scriptures?

The bible IS the scriptures.

What does the bible say about the seven deadly sins?

Obviously they are not called deadly for nothing.

How to remember the words that I used to study?

To remember the words that you used to study, you can make up a song that lists the words. This works well for word lists.

Why are Bibles important to Christians?

Because Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired words of their God, written by humans.

Why is William Tyndale important?

In the middle ages the people were very religious. The important book was the Bible, but the bible was written in in Latin. So William Tyndale translated the Latin bible to English. This was known as "THE BIBLE IN LATIN vs THE BIBLE IN ENGLISH.

How do Christian's use the bible?

Christians use The Bible to learn about God. The important thing is that God is alive and so can speak to people through the words in the Bible. Ephesians 6 v 17 : "...and take the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God" (NLT)

How many words in the bible mean god?

there are 354 words that mean god in the bible

Hebrew poetry that repeats important words is called?

climactic parallel

Why is The Bible important?

The bible is important because many people have based their lives on its contents. Society's foundations are the words in the bible. For many people, the bible is their favourite book. A lot of what the bible says and encourages people to do is good and morally right. even if some people don't believe in all the things the bible says, most people still agree that many people have done good things because of what the bible says.also, it is important to read at least a basic children's bible because it will help you understand what many people believe in.I would like to say that the all of the above points are important for every religious book I know of.