Current retail value is $10.00 issue price was $7.00
The current value of a 1950 proof set is $750.
The current value of a 1962 US proof set is $29.
The value of the set is dependent on condition. However, the proof set value is between $50 and $70 US.
The current average value of a 1962 US proof set is $29.
1975 Proof sets are valued at $11.00.
about $8.00
Current retail value is $10.00 issue price was $7.00.
Current retail value is $10.00 issue price was $7.00
Average retail price is $11.00 issue price was $7.00
Average retail price is $12.00 issue price was $7.00.
What is value of proof set of Commonwealth of the Bahams proof set 1974
The current value of a 1950 proof set is $750.
The current value of a 1962 US proof set is $29.
The value of the set is dependent on condition. However, the proof set value is between $50 and $70 US.
1976 bicentennial proof set silver dollar half and quarter what's the value of this uncirculated set?
These coins are no longer in circulation since they were withdrawn and demonetised in 1987. Unless they are part of a Proof or Uncirculated mint set or are individual Proof or Uncirculated coins and in absolute mint condition, they have little or no value.