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Here are some tips to remember when choosing a business name:

  • It must make sense. Unless you are starting a dot com, your business name should be able to be regonized by an average consumer. There is no mystery what Taco Bueno serves. If you are getting gas, then QuikTrip appeals to your goals.
  • The best names require the least advertising. You shouldn't have to explain what your business does becuase you have a strange name.
  • If possible, it should be expandable. Although you may start selling one product or providing one service, yourbusiness name should be able to absorb other similar directions. (ex. Stride Rite)
  • Your business name should be easy to say. One word names are preferable, but longer names can work also.
  • It should not be similar to other large brands, don't be a knock off. There is a car sales lot in my town called CAR MART, complete with Walmart's color's and font.
  • You must be able to trademark or copyright it, and the website should be available. This may not always be the case, but look for a simple alternative that makes sense if the main web address is not available.

So be creative, and have fun with it. When you have a short list of names, ask your friends. This is one of the more enjoyable parts of starting a business.

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