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Q: Why is service culture a requirement for an internal marketing plan?
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Explain service marketing triangle with relevant example?

A service marketing triangle involves external, internal, and interactive marketing between the provider, company, and customers. There are multiple companies that use this strategy. For example, have a pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less or it's free is a service marketing triangle. It involves external marketing to the customer, internal marketing to the employees and suppliers, and interactive marketing through delivering the pizza before the 30 minutes has expired.

How to make a marketing plan for service?

Any marketing plan is highly dependent on the market, the service being offered and other factors. There is no one marketing plan for all services. Details matter. Even the culture of the customers can matter to how you market.

What has the author S Koula written?

S. Koula has written: 'Service quality and internal marketing in the Hellenic bank in Cyprus'

Definition of service marketing?

Service marketing is a smaller field of marketing. Service marketing covers all goods and commerce in the marketing field.

What is international marketing?

International marketing is marketing globally to other countries. It can include your country of origin. In other words, influencing the sale of a service or product all over the world. This marketing can be used in many fashions of advertising such as Internet, television, publications, sponsorship of events, etc.

What is service triangle in service marketing?

Service marketing involves 3 types of marketing:1. EXTERNAL MARKETING2. INTERNAL MARKETING3. INTERACTIVE MARKETING1. External Marketing : "Setting the Promise"· Marketing to END-USERS.· Involves pricing strategy, promotional activities, and all communication withcustomers.· Performed to capture the attention of the market, and arouse interest in the service.2. Internal Marketing : "Enabling the Promise"· Marketing to EMPLOYEES.· Involves training, motivational, and teamwork programs, and all communication withemployees.· Performed to enable employees to perform the service effectively, and keep up thepromise made to the customer.3. Interactive Marketing : (Moment of Truth, Service Encounter)· This refers to the decisive moment of interaction between the front-office employeesand customers, i.e. delivery of service.· This step is of utmost importance, because if the employee falters at this level, all priorefforts made towards establishing a relationship with the customer, would be wasted.

What does a marketing service do?

A marketing service is a service that can help people to create a successful marketing campaign and get people to know about and use their product or service.

How are children's individual dietary needs and preference met in a service?

In the service centre it is necessary to consider food allergies and illness religious and culture requirement and the affect of food additional

Bombay hospital companies 3Ps of marketing in service marketing?

bombay hospital 3Ps of marketing in service marketing?

What are the two sub fields of service marketing?

There are actually three sub fields of service marketing. They are consumer behaviour, strategic marketing, and quantitative marketing. Service marketing consists of marketing both goods and services.

What has the author Mairead Joanna Goode written?

Mairead Joanna Goode has written: 'Marketing in the public sector - an internal perspective of a local fire service'