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im not sure if all businesses have a need for that. its just mostly if you want your business to grow strong and successful you will have to face the environment and it would help you to be aware of it =)

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Q: Why is it important for business to be aware of the General Environment?
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Continue Learning about Marketing

What are the advantages of advertising your business?

It makes people aware of your product and its quality and also the schemes you are giving with your products, so over all it helps in increasing sale

For which of the following reasons is it important to be aware of the persuasive techniques used in many advertisements?

Many persuasive techniques are designed to work subconsciously.

What might be some of the benefits of mobile marketing for firms that use it to reach out to consumers?

If you have a business in firm and wants to reach out your local consumers through mobile marketing then I think it's a good idea because now time mobile marketing such as sms marketing through sms companies as expert texting is more effective and successive than other trends because it makes aware public in your target business area about your business or services.

What are the most important factors in generating repeat purchase?

1. The quality of the product or service compared to competitors in the area 2. The price you are charging for the product or service (compared to the quality of the product and service) 3. How easy it is to get the product or service, so the place that it is found or if there is any public transport e.g bus , train. 4. promoting your business so that people are aware of the product or service that you are offering. 5. leave a good impression.

What are importance of marketing system?

Marketing is core of any business. If you own a business and do not have a marketing strategy to promote it, it is like having a fruit but no hands to eat. People come to know about your business or products through marketing whether it is external or internal. The latest marketing trend currently gaining popularity in the market is social media marketing. Through this you may promote your business profile over a social media site and connect with millions of users. Instagram as per me is the best as it offers an interactive image sharing option. you may upload images of your offered products and services to make people aware of your business. The business starters may use offers like Instagram followers to boost the popularity of their social profile. However you need to be aware of services that use fake and illegal marketing strategies to promote your business. There are various review sites available where you can check for the service providers. Check the related links section below for sites that provides reviews for Instagram followers and where you can check for scam sites. I would recommend always to use genuine ways and review websites before availing any services.

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Being aware of micro and macro environments in a business organization is important to keep a full view of a business and the way it is impacting each and every sector that it is reaching.

What is the most important reason to be aware of cultural differences?

To be successful in school, social, and business activities.

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business owner must be aware of the innovations

Why the environmental issues are now being focused more?

people are now aware about environment and the problems,and they do have concern for environment and very important is everyone knows the impact of environmental issues.

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Home inspectors can get business leads from real estate agents. They are well aware of who need houses inspected in the area.

How does the camera effect the environment?

i am not aware of the answer

Why business communication is important in business?

when we are talking with each other we communicate to each other this is call communication. now why it is important in business. with out communication the concept of achievement of goals is difficult, so there for it is important. good communication ensure the business goals. we organize the people by communication. The organization become more efficient in work. There are two kind of communication in organization one is internal and the second is external. In internal we deal the employee, aware him about the business give him training and busy in other activity for aware in external communication we deal the supplier and customer. a good communication can improve the business and ac-hive the target.

What is environment awareness?

to be aware of the things that you can do to help protect your environment from harmful elements.

Why communication is important in business?

when we are talking with each other we communicate to each other this is call communication. now why it is important in business. with out communication the concept of achievement of goals is difficult, so there for it is important. good communication ensure the business goals. we organize the people by communication. The organization become more efficient in work. There are two kind of communication in organization one is internal and the second is external. In internal we deal the employee, aware him about the business give him training and busy in other activity for aware in external communication we deal the supplier and customer. a good communication can improve the business and ac-hive the target.

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It is important for a teacher to be aware of exceptional development in order to provide appropriate support and accommodations to students with diverse needs. Understanding exceptional development can help teachers create an inclusive learning environment that caters to individual differences and promotes positive outcomes for all students.

Why human hears?

To become more aware of what is going on in the environment.

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In a fast-paced environment you must be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.