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Q: Why is advertising considered an important activity of modern society?
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Widespread advertising is good for society. You never know what kind of audience you are going to hit and this can be beneficial.

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Money, greed, power

What is positive advertising?

Advertising is a very important technique that along with other factors can help your brands and products to survive in marketing and reach more and more people. Effective advertising includes advertising in a way that all the advertising norms are fulfilled along with the cost factor and interest of the society. Visit 9mediaonline. com now. 9mediaonline. com/brands

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Dont know trying to figure it out

Why is beauty so important in advertising?

The American society is drawn to beauty. Beauty sales items quicker than ugliness. Beauty makes people pay attention to the advertisements.

Which is the least important amendment to the constitution?

All the Amendments are there for a reason, and serves an important function in our society. What may be considered to be the least important is probably based on the opinion of the person.

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he was a very important because he found the laws of motion and he wrote lots of books

In Aztec Society merchants and artisans were so important to society that they were considered nobles true or false?

True. In Aztec society, merchants and artisans were considered nobles because of their crucial role in the economy and their ability to provide valuable goods and services to the community. They were highly respected and held in high regard for their contributions to society.

Use elite in a sentence?

The elite are always considered to be the best or most important group of the society because of their power.