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i like to shan waner u like to kiss girls if u are a boy.

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Q: Why interpersonal important to customer service?
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Why are interpersonal skills important when dealing with customers?

It is important for a customer-service-agent to deal first the concept. as an agent he/she must posses the knowledge regarding the company's resources in giving services through customers. the major task of the customer-service-agent is he/she must have a self awareness before he/she interact or giving service to customers

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Yes customer service should be VERY important.

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Customer service and The products

Why is patience very important in customer service?

It is important because if you are not patient with a customer they will not be happy and will not like your service!

Why are interpersonal skills important in the fire service?

because harrison said

What type of training does a job in customer service require?

A job in customer service requires training in interpersonal skills, patience, politeness, political correctness and being extraordinarily well rounded in sales.

How does customer service benefit customers?

Yes, when a customer can get itwhat does customers service mean to you?By personal and interpersonal skills such as communication skills,listening skills,language,gestures and posture, telephone techniques.....

Why is customer service important?


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customer service

Why is it important that reports on customer service contain recommendations?

The reason why it is important that reports on customer service contain recommendations is because without them, services would not improve. There is always room for improvement when it comes to customer service.