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A customer relation officer is someone who represents a business. This person is the spokesperson actually the correct name is public relations. This person handle all of the unforseen aspects they make the business grow, by supplying services such as freebies, coupons, one on one conversations with clients, basically this person has to bend over backwards and to do everything possible to make sure that the well being of any client or potential ones , needs, wants and desires are met the better this person does the better for the business and these people make good money. I should know I used to be in the P.R. business and it is not dull whatsoever, challenging yes but that is what makes it so interesting

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What does a customer relation officer do?

A customer relations officer acts as a go-between when the customer is unhappy. A customer relations officer will try to solve problems with customers before they get to the corporate level within a business. A customer relations officer might also act as a publicity person for a business.

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A customer relations officer takes care of customer concerns and a addresses customer feedback. Basically their job is to make sure that overall there is great customer satisfaction .

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A relations officer for an airline is a customer service person. If a customer does not like what the ticket seller is telling them, the next step is to ask the relations officer to help with the customer. The relations officer can escort the person to a more private area to discuss what is wrong and try to fix the problem.

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A customer service officer puts the needs of the clients above their own. They seek solutions and diffuse difficult situations.

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It is the same in masculine and feminine.