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William Ramsey

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In a sports magazine

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Q: What would be the most effective place for an advertisement about large sailboats to appear?
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How much does it cost to advertise on Zap2it?

The cost of the advertisement on Zap2it will depend on the type of adspace you rent. There are many different sizes ranging from very small, to large and noticeable.

What are the Merits and of advertising in every medium?

televisionadvantages* product can demonstrated with moving pictures and realistic sound. * reaches a large audience. * can be repeated many times to create a lasting impact. * can be directed regional or national level. * can target selected audience by choosing appropriate time. for example. toys advertisement can be shown during cartoon time for kids. radioadvantages* can reach large audience even in remote areas. * cheaper to produce and broadcast radio advertisement. * the use of music makes radio a lively medium. * can taret specific audience through special programs. * audiences are wide as radio sets are portable enough to carry along. newspaper and magazinesadvantages* wide audience. * circulation cost per exposure is low. * in magazines colorful pictures attract audiences. * advertising can be booked or canceled easily on short notice. * can obtain response from readers. * newspaper provide multiple of advertisement at a time * provide detailed information about the product * suitable for products which have a high demand. cinemaadvantages* high audience attention * wide screen provides dramtic and realistic impact with more details * make full use of audio visual effects with color. internetadvantages* wider coverage. * easy form of advertisement. * can change the advertisement easily and quickly. * can provide detailed information. * e-commerce can be practiced. * access to suppliers.

What is the difference between a press release and and advertisement?

The major difference with press release and advertisement is that a press release is used to gain free advertisement, and a advertisement is paid. With advertising, there is creative control, but with a press release there is no control how the media will present the information.

What is meant by transit advertising?

Transit advertising is placing advertisements for products or services on means of travel and their accompanying buildings. Transit advertising can be found on buses, trains, airports, and bus stations. It is widely effective because of the large number of people it reaches.

What does public relations mean in student council?

oversees all advertising and communication of the Council. usually works with all standing committees to develop effective public relations, advertising activities and informing the student body and community at large of upcoming events through all media types, serving as a liaison to the school newspaper and graphic arts

Related questions

What kinds of hulls and large cruisers do sailboats have?

Displacement hull.

What kind of Hull's do most sailboats and large Cruisers have?

Displacement hull.

What kind of hulls do most sailboats and large cruisers?

Displacement hull.

Use the word advertisement in a sentence?

A large portion of a company's overhead is dedicated to advertisement. Did you see that silly advertisement, too? I'm certain that the advertisement will draw a lot of interest to your product.

What is the nature and scope of advertising?

There is high scope of advertisement in the competitive environment because the large organizations are advertise their products to the large audience so that is why advertisement is so important.

What sailboats are used for sailing around the world?

Different types have been used, from 35 ft single handed to large multi-crewed large displacement vessels.

In which advertisement Cinematic Orchestra's song To Build A Home is heard?

It can be found in a Telstra advertisement which consists of water balloons popping over a large group of fully-dressed adults.

What is Auckland known as nd why?

Auckland is know as the City of Sails because of the large number of yachts/sailboats, it's a harbour city. It is also known as the Queen City

How widespread is measles?

Measles infections appear all over the world. Prior to the current effective immunization program, large-scale measles outbreaks occurred on a two to three-year cycle, usually in the winter and spring.

How do you make your large room appear smaller?

Dark colours would make it appear smaller.

What are Large groups of galaxy clusters that appear in sheetlike and threadlike shapes?

Large groups of galaxy clusters that appear in sheetlike and threadlike shapes are called superclusters.

What a commerce subject involve?

trade, large scale retailers, small scale retailers, insurance, transportation, advertisement and bank documents.